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One day, he met a turtle who came from the Eastern Sea.

One day, by chance, Goodyear dropped a small piece of molded rubber on to a stove at the same time a piece of sulphur slipped out of his hand. 有一天,古德伊尔偶然把一小块成型像胶掉在炉子上,同时又有一块硫从他手中滑下。
One day, for example, he invents a son and joins a single-parent support group just so he can pick up needy women. 举例来说,某天,他佯称自己有个儿子,并加入一个单亲父母互助团体,只是为了勾搭上渴望慰藉的女人。
One day, he crawled onto the sandy beach to take a nap. 有一天牠爬到沙滩上小睡片刻。
One day, he gets lost when he travels. 有一次他在游玩的时候迷了路。
One day, he has bought many lusters bright new toys for the pessimistic child, also feed-in the optimistic child between to pile up with the horse dung in the garage. 一天,他买了许多色泽鲜艳的新玩具给悲观孩子,又把乐观孩子送进了一间堆满马粪的车房里。
One day, he met a turtle who came from the Eastern Sea. 一天,他遇见一只东海来的海龟。
One day, he ran to the village. 有一天,他跑到村口。
One day, he went to the king: Your Majesty, I heard that you like riddles and I have a riddle for you. 去求见齐威王,说:“听说大王喜欢猜谜语,我有个谜语,想说给大王听听。”
One day, he went to the pen and found a sheep lost. 一天,他去羊圈,发现少了一只羊。
One day, his aunt came to beg for forgiveness. 一日,密勒日巴的姑母前来祈求原谅。
One day, his father said, I heard the seagulls like to play with you. 一天,他的父亲对他说:“我听说海鸥喜欢和你一起玩,你去抓两只来,让我也能和它们玩。”

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