Surgical treatment of pectus excavatu m: 0-years experience in 0 patients
漏斗胸外科治疗: 0年0例经验回顾 |
Surgical treatment of trauma of the trachea and bronchi
气管支气管损伤的诊疗体会 |
Surmount of Eunomics Theory: the Construction of Fuller's View on Legal Order
良好秩序理论的超越:朗·富勒法律秩序观的建构——兼评富勒《社会秩序原理》 |
Surpass of the contemporary era Chinese modernization theory
中国当代现代化理论的超越 |
Survey of Malassezia in Earwax in Youths
例青年耵聍中马拉色菌存在状态调查 |
Survey on studies on Cnidium monnieri
中药蛇床子的研究进展 |
Survey on the resources status of dugong in Hainan Province,China
海南省儒艮资源现状调查 |
Survey was carried out on polychaete verminosis in cultured pearl oyster (Pteria penguin) in Liusha Bay.
对流沙湾养殖的企鹅珍珠贝(Pteria penguin)多毛类寄生虫病进行了调查。 |
Surveying the theories and practice all over the world, the countries such as German insist on contract responsibility according to providing contract by silent information and protecting the third party.
纵观世界各国学说与实践,德国等大陆法系国家一般主张为契约责任,这主要是以默示的信息提供契约,具保护第三人效力的契约,契约缔结上的过失等理由为依据; |
Survival of Mouse Morulae Stored at Room Temperature
室温条件下保存的小鼠桑椹胚的生存性 |
Survival,Adaptation and Integration: Origins and Evolution of the Chinese Community in Jamaica(8-9)
生存、适应与融合:牙买加华人社区的形成与发展(8-9) |