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The frost made the leaves curl (up).

The frost did much mischief to the vegetables. 霜冻使蔬菜受到了严重的损害。
The frost fire has been brought under control. 森林大火已被控制住。
The frost has blighted my potatoes. 霜使我的马铃薯枯萎了。
The frost killed the flowers. 霜把花冻死了。
The frost made a beautiful filigree on the window pane. 寒霜在玻璃窗上形成了美丽的花纹。
The frost made the leaves curl (up). 叶子受霜冻而卷了起来.
The frown on my grandson's face told me that the situation would be especially difficult for him and that he might feel neglected by me. 我孙子眉头紧锁的表情告诉我,他尤其难过,他可能觉得我忽视了他。
The frown on the man's face showed that he was displeased. 那人皱着眉头,面露不悦。
The frowning clown gives a flower to the cow. 这个皱眉的小丑给这头母牛一朵花。
The frozen snow crunched under our feet. 冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响.
The fruit dropped down from the tree. 水果从树上掉下来。

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