Experiences from successful works have been summed up that the crux of improvement is the bearing design of the shaft supporting pulley and gear.
本文总结了成功的改造经验,指出改造中的关键问题是带轮-齿轮轴的支承设计。 |
Experiences have become the hottest commodities the market has to offer.
经验正逐渐成为市场中最炙手可热的商品。 |
Experiences in sales of industrial capital goods.
工业产品销售经验。 |
Experiences in studying U.S., summer camp and high school market development are preferred.
有美国留学经历、夏令营和中学市场开发经验者优先. |
Experiences in system performance test and stress test is a plus.
有系统性能测试和压力测试经验者优先。 |
Experiencing a desire or need for food.
饥饿的感到食欲或进食的要求的 |
Experiencing culture shock does not mean that an individual is inflexible or unadaptable,it does mean that recognition of its virtual inevitability can lead to the development of steps to reduce its impact.
经历文化冲击并不意味着一个人不灵活或适应性差,也不意味着对它的不可抗拒性有所认识就可以减弱其影响。 |
Experiencing frustration of loving , I do not know what is right or wrong , but I still believe firmly: the existence of the love.And still is so inflexible.
经历了爱的挫折,不知道是对还是错,但我仍坚信:爱情的存在.而且还是那样的执著. |
Experiencing nausea; nauseated.
感到反胃的;恶心的 |
Experiencing physical discomfort.
不舒服的身体不适的 |
Experiential exercises, case studies and role playing techniques are employed to demonstrate leadership skills. 2 credits.
采用练习、案例及角色扮演方式展示领导才能。 |