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Be capable of timely diagnose and deal with electric failures during operation, work out maintenance and repair plans and implement safety prevention measures.

Be cable of trouble shooting. 能调试模具,解决模具运行中的问题。
Be calm and take things as they come. 冷静点,既来之则安之吧。
Be calm and take things as they come. Don't take it to heart. Try to look on the bright side of things. 冷静些,事情既然这样了,就随他去吧.别往心里去,尽量朝好的方面看吧!
Be calm. We'll be there right away. 要镇静,我们马上就到。
Be capable of Links to: Urban Groundwater Database,USGS Water Resources Information &WWW Virtual Library – Environment. 可以联接到城市地下水数据库,USGS水资源数据和全球信息网虚拟图书馆-环境等。
Be capable of timely diagnose and deal with electric failures during operation, work out maintenance and repair plans and implement safety prevention measures. 能及时判断及时处理生产过程中电气出现的故障,制订检修方案,落实安全防护措施。
Be capable to read, write and communicate in English, familiar with office software. 能够用英语进行一般工作交流,熟练操作各种办公软件。
Be captured to say by savage in hill to the lover: You ate off the defecate of the other side to put you. 一对恋人在山中被野人抓住说:你们吃掉对方的大便就放了你们。
Be careful No t to make any mistake. 小心一点,不要出错。
Be careful about what you say. 对你所说的话要小心。
Be careful and mindful when dealing with others,but do not be narrow-minded. 为人处事要小心、细心,但不要“小心眼”!

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