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But every generation has a chance at greatness.

But even when we're bad,we're still loved. 虽然我们有点坏,我们依然被人爱。
But even with them all out,we could go with this team incorporating a midfield diamond: MaKalambay; Hutchinson, Worley, Mancienne, Bertrand; Cork, holding; Woodson the right, Smith on the left; Mikel behind the forwards; Sinclairand Sahar. 但即使把他们全都派出,我们依然可以用这支队伍组成菱形阵型:卡贝兰;萨姆哈金森;沃雷;曼西恩尼;波特兰德;科克拖后中场;伍兹在右路;史密斯左路;米克尔靠前;再往前是辛克莱尔和萨哈尔。
But eventually, I grudgingly gave in. 实际上我极不情愿的向他们妥协。
But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass. 然而,一种能更精细控制晶种周围温度梯度的方法,正逐渐去除这种遮掩不了的瑕疵。
But every coin has two sides. 当然,任何事物都有其两面性。
But every generation has a chance at greatness. 不过每代人各有机遇创造非凡。
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 23但各人是按着自己的次序复活。初熟的果子是基督。以后在他来的时候,是那些属基督的。
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 14但各人被试探,乃是被自己的私欲牵引诱惑的。
But every minute of flying time saved can reduce fuel consumption by some 60 litres and cut 160kg of CO2 emissions, so the effort is well worthwhile. 但每节约一分钟的飞行时间,可以减少大约60升的燃料消耗和削减160公斤的二氧化碳排放量,所以,努力还是值得的。
But every now and then i feel so insecure, 但飘飞我感到不安,
But every one knows that such behavior, in fact, offends global public opinion, exacerbates resentment and thereby spreads terrorism, and tarnishes the US image and its credibility among nations. 但每一个人都知道这样的行动,实际上违背了世界的公共理念,加深了怨恨,从而更广泛的传播了恐怖主义,使美国的形象和可信度在国际上黯淡了。

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