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A phobia is an excessive or unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation that is generally considered harmless.

A phenomenology of religion must be both existential and hermeneutical. 宗教现象学必须既是存在性的又是诠释性的。
A phenomenon associated with audience fragmentation, in which the audiences for channels or stations use them more intensively than an average audience member. 是一种与受众细分有关的现象.某媒介或频道的受众比起一般受众更多地收看/收听该媒介或频道.
A phenomenon called self-induction is at work here: as the current oscillates, the magnetic field around the wire changes, too, inducing voltages that slow the oscillation. 这里运用了一种「自感现象」:当电流振盪时,金属线周围的磁场也会改变,产生使振盪减慢的电压。
A phenomenon of audience behavior usually expressed as the ratio of a station's cumulative audience to its average quarter hour audience. 是一种受众行为.通常表示为某媒介累计受众与平均15分钟受众的比例.
A philosophy of life: I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure. 生活哲学:做一个寻宝的探险家。
A phobia is an excessive or unreasonable fear of a specific object or situation that is generally considered harmless. 恐怖症是一种过分的或者过度的对某个特定的事物或者场景的恐惧,而这个事物和场景通常被认为是无害的。
A phobia is an irrational and often unexplainable fear that causes an uncontrolable physical reaction. 恐惧症是一种不理性及通常很难解释的恐惧,它会引起一起无法自我控制的生理反应。
A phone call for Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,电话。)
A phone call made while drunk. 在喝醉了的时候拨打的电话。
A phonograph record, especially a forty-five, having one song on each side. 拥有留声机的烦恼在于它是一个昂贵的业余爱好。
A phonograph record, especially a forty-five, having one song on each side. 单曲唱片一种留声机唱片,尤指密纹唱片,每面只有一首歌

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