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In his newspaper column this week he has one of his regular tilts at modern fashions.

In his mind, the white bird rose in flight and its wings let fly one feather. 倘若不是鸟儿在离去时留下这片羽毛为证,有谁会知道小白鸟曾经来过?
In his most recent satirical sketch Heywood sent up fashionable young women who worked for charitable causes. 海伍德在最近的一篇讽刺小品里讽刺了那些为慈善事业工作的时髦女郎。
In his mother`s mind`s eye, he is still a child . 在他母亲的心目中,他还是个孩子。
In his mouth were the remains of fir trees -- the last meal that he had before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back. 它嘴里还留着冷杉--它掉进冰河裂隙折断脊椎柱之前的最后一顿饭。
In his new book, the author has vividly displayed the human elements in the evolution of design with this field. 在这本新书中,作者生动地阐述了本领域设计发展过程中所展现出来的一些人性化因素(而非“人类起源”)。
In his newspaper column this week he has one of his regular tilts at modern fashions. 在本周报纸的专栏,他照常抨击现代时装。
In his nightmares they burned his house. 在他的噩梦中,他们烧了他的房子。
In his novel Indian Camp, Hemingway's indiscriminating descriptions of the three characters have obscured his real intentions of writing. 摘要在《印第安人营地》中,海明威对三个人物轻重难分的描写使读者难以判断其真正的创作意旨。
In his novel, he portrays the lives of three young people who are typical Gen-Xers. 在他的小说中,他描写了三个年轻人的生活,他们都是典型的“X世代人”。
In his off hours he searched the public library for references. 下班之后他就到公共图书馆去查找资料。
In his old age, however, his feet became diseased. 亚撒年老的时候、脚上有病。

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