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Post and tele-communication,mine enterprises,schools,railway,hospital,research,institution anywhere required power to assure the normal operation of power driven equipents.

Possibly, the bovine strain was overattenuated—that is, it was too weak to replicate and elicit a good immune response under challenging conditions. 一种可能是牛病毒活性太弱,在较差的环境便无法有效复制并引起良好免疫反应。
Possibly, this was a mere omission; but who can be quite sure . . . 这仅仅是一个疏忽而已,但谁能肯定呢?
Possibly, tradition says the most about people's character and mentality. 也许,只有传统能真正道出了许多人类的性格与心理特征。
Post a preprint on the online system. 在网上张贴预印本。
Post all sketches for embroidery of holy images and related teachings on-line in a file under Miscellaneous category. 将所有供刺绣用的素描圣像及相关文章以其他类上传。
Post and tele-communication,mine enterprises,schools,railway,hospital,research,institution anywhere required power to assure the normal operation of power driven equipents. 广泛用于邮电、工矿企业、学校、铁路、医院、印刷、科研等所有需要电压正常的场合,和部分供电设备及重要设备配套。
Post and telecommunications departments shall give priority to transmissions of reports of epidemic diseases. 邮电部门对疫情报告应当优先传送。
Post crash fires are the number one threat to survivability. 坠机后的火灾是对存活可能性的头号威胁。
Post crash survivability issues become a little easier to understand if a systematic approach is taken, breaking a complicated series of events into smaller, more digestible bits of information. 坠机后的存活可能性问题若从一个有系统的途径来着手,将一个复杂的系列性事件,分解成更小、更易消化的小型信息就将更加易于理解。
Post non-tradable share reform era is a free-float era with highly securitized economy. 摘要后股权分置时代,是股份“流转顺畅”的时代,是中国经济的证券化时代。
Post nothing but me tooposts to build your post count. Use in combination with a link-rich signature file. 为了提高发帖数,写很多“我也这么想”之类的帖子,同时配合着包含很多链接的签名文件。

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