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As the light dies, werewolf heroes are willing to sacrifice everything to hold back the darkness.

As the leading can maker in China, the market shares of JFP's 2-piece can and end in PRC are about 18% and 25% respectively.We keep on improving and providing good quality products and good services to meet the request of our customers. 公司在国内两片罐罐身的市场占有率约为18%,罐盖的市场点有率约为25%,公司不断改进,提高产品质量和服务质量,以满足客户需求。
As the leading service brand of the Abest Automobile Group, Abest Car Rental and Leasing Corporation represents high-end and top-class service standard. 作为北京亚之杰汽车集团的主打服务品牌,代表着高端、顶尖的服务水准。
As the leading vertical search site for gambling, Search Focus will keep innovating to serve these developing markets. 作为垂直领导赌博网站搜索,搜索将不断创新,为这些重点开发市场.
As the liaison person of HO &area/cluster, collect the pricing issue and requirement from area &cluster and distribute the relative information to area/cluster. 回顾所有对价格更改和设定新价格的要求,确保与价格政策相符,在保证利润增长的情况下,确认这些变更。
As the light body becomes gold or silver in mastery of Bodhisattva level evolution, one has earned the access to the Great Central Sun during dreamtime to review one's personal ascension records, for counseling and in preparation for entry into the Photon 当在掌握菩萨层面进化中、光身体成为金或银色时,你已获得在梦想时间对大中枢太阳的访问,回顾你个人提升记录,为未来进入光子带而咨询和作准备。
As the light dies, werewolf heroes are willing to sacrifice everything to hold back the darkness. 当光明泯灭时,狼人英雄愿意牺牲一切抵挡黑暗的侵袭。
As the limousine rolled across the bridge to the sandbar, Kevin tried to smell the ocean. All he got was car leather and exhaust. 当豪华大奔过了桥向沙洲奔去的时候,凯文呼吸着海洋。他闻到的是汽车的胶皮味和废气味。
As the limousine slowly cruised to the nearby Imperial Hotel, the princess smiled and waved to thousands of well-wishers along the road. 豪华轿车缓缓驶向附近的帝国饭店,纪宫公主微笑着向马路两边成千上万的祝福者们挥手致意。
As the liquid level raised and lowered, the float followed the liquid level so that the same amount was drawn off all of the time. 当液位升高或降低时候,浮球跟随这液位,这样每时每刻都有相同的量被抽出来。
As the liquidity bubble unwinds, their currencies should weaken and inflation should accelerate. 当流动性泡沫逆转的时候,这些经济体的货币将会变软通胀将会加速。
As the living condition went worse and worse, and the resources were limited, to live on and lead a better life, both of them want to conquer the other. 由于生活环境的恶化和资源的短缺,为了生活下去并且赢得更好的生活条件,双方摩拳擦掌都想要征服对方。)

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