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1 Wages of Party B shall be payable in respect of every day from the date of departure from Guangzhou until the date of departure from Germany.

1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, or implied from a prior course of dealing between the parties, payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the Seller shall be on open account and time of payment shall be 30 days from the date of i 1除非另有书面约定或者双方之间此前交易另有默契,买方应通过往来帐户向卖方支付价款和其它应付的款项,支付时间是开出发票之日起30日。
1 Upon early termination or expiration of this Lease, Party B shall reinstate the Leased Unit to its original condition (normal wear and tear excepted) and return it to Party A. 乙方租赁期满或退还终止租赁时,须交还房屋及恢复房屋原状(房屋及其设备因自然磨损除外)给甲方。
1 Use the magic Confuse to inflict confuse status on your enemy. (使用混乱魔法可以给你的敌人加上混乱状态。)
1 WI is well hanged on each workstation. If necessary, it is by model. 每个工位都挂上作业指导书(WI),如需要,应分开型号.
1 WKF approved mitts, one contestant wearing red and the other wearing blue. 世界空手道联盟(WKF)核准的拳套,选手一方配戴红色另一位配戴蓝色。
1 Wages of Party B shall be payable in respect of every day from the date of departure from Guangzhou until the date of departure from Germany. 人员的工资应按每天计算,从离开广州之日起计,直到离开德国之日截止。
1 Wang Yin-Zheng.2003.Notes on the ovary structure of the genus Gyrogyne (Gesneriaceae).Australian Systematic Botany 16: (in press). 2王瑞,王印政.2003.扩散途径与机制(第四章),在“生物入侵―理论与实践”(徐汝梅,叶万辉),科学出版社.
1 Warranted not navigating outside the limits stated in the Schedule to the policy or, provided previous notice be given to the Underwriters, held covered on terms to be agreed. 保证不在保险单条款规定的范围之外航行,除非保险人事先得到通知并按约定的条件续保。
1 Warranted that the maximum designed speed of the Vessel, or the parent vessel in the case of a vessel with boat(s), does not exceed 17 knots. 保证船舶设计的最高时速,或是在有子船的情形下,母船的最高时速,不得超过17节。
1 Washers shall be color coded at hose nozzle outlets and mounted inside the fume hood and controlled from the exterior with color-coded index handles. 水龙头在喷嘴处用颜色标示,并安装在通风柜内部。其控制开关在通风柜外面,用不同颜色标示把手。
1 We are not inclined to appoint an agent for your district. 我们不打算在你们地区委任代理。

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