Recrystallization takes patience, but it's worth it! This video walks you through the procedure, from solubility tests to cold filtration, with information on one-solvent and two-solvent recrystallizations.
再结晶须有耐心,但它是值得的!此影片让你用一种溶剂与两种溶剂的再结晶方法从溶解度测试到冷过滤来经验此过程。 |
Rect - The Area Light emitter has a rectangular shape. The dimension of the emitter is set through two numeric buttons: SizeX and SizeY.
矩形-区域灯光发射体呈矩形。发射体的维度通过两个数字按钮设置:尺寸X和尺寸Y。 |
Rectangle blade with four functional cutting edges is very durable.
剪切角可调,减少板料扭曲变形。 |
Rectangle within view window used for view.
显示在视窗中供查看的矩形。 |
Rectangular, square, runner, oval and round are normal shapes of silk carpets.
真丝地毯一般分为长方形,正方形,长条形,椭圆形,圆形。 |
Rectification means the whole Party studying Marxism through criticism and self-criticism.
整风就是全党通过批评和自我批评来学习马克思主义。 |
Rectification of this fault is achieved by the insertion of a wedge.
嵌入一个楔子就能纠正这一误差。 |
Rectify deviations with wisdom; accommodate others with compassion.
以智能时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。 |
Recumbent bicycles, tandems, and other bicycles will be considered non-conforming and not allowed to enter any race.
躺车、三轮车和其他种类的自行车将被视为不合规则,不允许参加任何比赛。 |
Recurrent and irreversible infarcts eventually result in complete destruction of the spleen.
阻塞再发和不可逆最终可导致脾脏完全失去功能。 |
Recurrent epigastric pain occurred in the following years.
其后数年患者有反覆上腹痛之症状。 |