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Nevertheless, but I still don't kown what love is?

Nevertheless, astrophysicists have persisted in their belief that accretion disks are indeed turbulent. 虽然如此,天文物理学家仍旧坚持信念,认为吸积盘的确是充满乱流扰动的。
Nevertheless, banking is much less local than it used to be. 然而,银行业已经远不如过去那样本地化。
Nevertheless, because the planet is much closer to its star than the Earth is to the sun, it lies in what astronomers call the “habitable zone”—the region surrounding a star where water would be liquid. 然而,同地球和太阳之间的距离相比,这颗行星同其恒星的距离要近很多,处于天文学家们称为“可居住区”地带——恒星周围水能以液态形式存在的区域。
Nevertheless, because you have given the enemies of Jehovah much occasion to blaspheme Him because of this thing, the son who is born to you shall also surely die. 14只是你因着行这事,叫耶和华的仇敌大得亵渎的机会,故此,你所得的儿子必定要死。
Nevertheless, before deciding to embark, ask your physician for his opinion and get information on what the rules of the air company chosen foresee in the case of pregnant travellers. 登机前可以询问医生的意见或问问航空公司是否有针对孕妇的相关条款。
Nevertheless, but I still don't kown what love is? 虽然如此.但我还是不知道爱是什么?
Nevertheless, considering the brouhaha that surrounds genetic engineering, synthetic biology has stirred up surprisingly little wider debate. 不过比起基因工程引发的诸多争议,生物合成造成的动响要轻微许多。
Nevertheless, contrary to their various performances in occupancies, rentals in all three segments enjoyed growths in the quarter. 一季度高端物业的租金价格表现良好,别墅、高档公寓和服务式公寓的租金均有不同幅度的上涨。
Nevertheless, distillation has remained a major refinery process and a process to which just about every crude that enters the refinery is subjected. 但是,蒸馏仍然是重要的炼油工艺,而且所有原油进入炼厂都必须经过蒸馏。
Nevertheless, due to the changes of social cultural environment, guidance from government, interposition of scholars, cultural persons and medias, the ceremony for promise fulfillment is changing from fete ceremony to amusing performance, and its inhere c 然而,由于社会文化环境的变化,政府的指导,学者、文化人和媒体的介入,还愿仪式正在发生变化,从祭祀仪式向娱乐性的表演演变,其故有的文化内涵和象征也正在消失,其结果将导致民族传统文化的失真。
Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the ice from doing its job. 早期为节省冰的努力,包括用毯子把冰包起来,使得冰不能发挥它的作用。

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