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Oh!she said, with a deep breath and returning color. So that is what you are doing out here. A marshal!

Oh! it is of no consequence. I shall see her in January. But do you always write such charming long letters to her, Mr. Darcy? “噢,不要紧。正月里我就可以跟她见面。不过,你老是写那么动人的长信给她吗,达西先生?”
Oh! yes -- I understand you perfectly.. “噢,是呀──我完全了解你。”
Oh!cried Miss Bingley, Charles writes in the most careless way imaginable. He leaves out half his words, and blots the rest. “噢,”彬格莱小姐叫起来了,“查尔斯写起信来,那种潦草随便的态度,简直不可想象。他要漏掉一半字,涂掉一半字。”
Oh!said Cho, and she went red too. Oh Harry, I'm really sorry,and she truly looked it. I've already said I'll go with someone else. “噢!”秋说,她的脸也变红了。“噢,哈利,真的很抱歉,”而且她看上去真的很抱歉。“我已经答应别人了。”
Oh!said Lydia stoutly, I am not afraid; for though I am the youngest, I'm the tallest. 「哦!」莉狄亚大胆肯定地回道:「我才不怕;虽然我最小,可个子最高呢。」
Oh!she said, with a deep breath and returning color. So that is what you are doing out here. A marshal! 「哦!」她说,舒了口气,脸上也有了血色:「原来你到外面做的是这一行-一个警官大人员!」
Oh!, Killing any?She asked. “哦,那打死了多少只啊?”
Oh, I know a farmhouse. The wife likes to make pancakes. Shall I get you some?he said. 狐狸说:“哦,我知道有一个农舍。那位太太很喜欢烤薄煎饼。要我去拿一些来给你吗?”
Oh, I saw that at once, dear, although I know nothing about motors,said Miss Marple. People change a wheel, you know - I have often seen them doing it - and, of course they could take a wheel off Kelvin's lorry and take it out through the small door into “哦,我马上发现了这点,亲爱的,”马普尔小姐说,“那些人换下轮胎了,你知道的——我经常看见他们那么做,而且,当然他们从柯文的货车上卸下了一个轮胎,装在钮曼先生的火车上面,装着黄金通过村庄。
Oh, I think we'll find a use for you,said Dumbledore vaguely. Left here, Harry. “噢,我想我们会让你派上用场的。”邓布利多含糊地说,“向左转,哈利。”
Oh, I'm making a little trough for you and mother to eat from when I'm big. 「我要做一只木碗,等我长大了,让爸爸妈妈用它吃饭。」

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