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Students stand hand in hand in a row.

Students should live up to certain standards of behaviour. 学生应该实践一定的行为准则。
Students should meet with the client to review their proposals and plan elements and gain feedback on them. 学生应会见客户,讨论他们的提案以及规划要素,并得到反馈。
Students should perform each movement with realism. 第八,应当确实的做出每个动作。
Students should practice on the dummied again, keeping in mind the vulnerable points listed above. Strike with either hand. 学生们应该再次在人形靶上练习,记住上述人体薄弱部位。用任意一只手进行打击。
Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. 大学生擅长一种特殊的恶作剧——戏弄人。
Students stand hand in hand in a row. 学生们手牵手站成一排。
Students study topics from political science and psychology to engineering and biotechnology to prepare for possible disasters. 为准备应付可能发生的灾难,学生们要学习政治学、心理学、工程学和生物技术等课程。
Students studying abroad are welcome to come home for a job. 一、欢迎留学人员回国工作。
Students studying abroad may leave the country again after a short stay home without renewing the formalities for approval, provided that they hold our country's valid passports bearing foreign re-entry visas. 四、留学人员短期回国后,只要他们持有我国有效护照和外国再入境签证,无须再履行审批手续,即可随时再出境。
Students studying, the temptation was too much fame, was secular disturb too much, they gradually from the academic already out in impulsive, desperate for a study only get results prove their ultimate benefit for the purpose, but that the number of such 学生在求学阶段,被名和利诱惑得太多,被世俗打搅得太多,他们已然渐渐从学术中浮躁出来,拼命学习也只为着拿到成绩证明自己最终得到好处为目的,但这种证明又有多少意义呢?
Students suggested to build a park, mega chessboard, basketball court, sports ground and swimming pool in the area. There will also be a theme park in the roof top. 于区布内建设公园、大型棋盘、篮球场、运动场、泳池等,另于天台上建造主题公园。

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