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Feel the petal-like quality of your own thoughts.

Feel suddenly just now of viewpoint good funny, discovers suddenly the oneself still is that so the care about originally! 忽然感觉刚才的想法好可笑,忽然发现自己原来还是那样的在乎着!
Feel suddenly, is ah, this is to celebrates New Year's Eve! 忽然感觉,是呀,这就是过年!
Feel that makes it and less than by oneself, in fact only during reading . 觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。
Feel the cold, glass-like smoothness and the crevices and lines that make me what I am. 感觉玻璃般的冰冷与光滑,以及其中的裂缝和刮痕,感受我的存在。
Feel the noticeable loss that is going to occur within this predominant energy when more and more of you dont vibrate according to its plan. 当你们越来越多的感受不到振动失败是显而易见的,依照它的计划即将出现在内部的主要的能量。
Feel the petal-like quality of your own thoughts. 感觉你思想花瓣般的性质。
Feel the thrill of the chase in a dynamic open world as you go head-to-head with drivers who customize their cars to go against tuners, exotics, muscle cars, and cops armed with advanced tactics, SUVs, and helicopters. 在一个完全开放的漫游模式中,感受追踪的快感,和与你相同的改装高手们用轿车、改装车、超级跑车、警车、警用SUV和警用直升机一争高下!
Feel yourself coming loose from your physical body every time you hand over hand up the cord. 每次你顺着带子往上攀,感觉你自己从身体中松开。
Feeling at a loose end that evening,he went to a movie. 那天晚上他闲著没事,就去看电影了。
Feeling emotionally and playfully engaged with your partner is a must. 多与对方进行情感交流和开开玩笑都是必要的。
Feeling frantic and disconnected I kissed her, and then she was wheeled away through the unforgiving doors of the operating suite. 心里感到离别的痛苦与狂乱,我吻了她,随后她就被车推过了手术室那道无情的门。

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