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This ensures that players that love to see mass destruction and men thrown in the air get what they want and those that want a balanced game where cavalry don't dominate every other unit get what they want.

This enlarged uterus was no doubt palpable on physical examination. 在检查中可触及增大的子宫。
This ensures that both vectors are pointing in the same direction (away from the surface in this case) which keeps the Dot Product values in the necessary 0.0 to 1.0 range. 这保证两个向量是指向同一个方向(在这个例子里远离摄像机),这样保证数量积数值是在0到1范围内。
This ensures that each product is manufactured with the greatest care and attention. 公司亦拥有充足的技术力量及成熟的生产工艺满足不同客户的各种需求。
This ensures that everyone always has most up-to-date information on all media opportunities. 这是确保每个人都会有最新式的最新资料,在所有的媒体机会.
This ensures that large data structures are not built until they are truly necessary. 这样保证了除非在真正必要的时候大型数据结构不会构建。
This ensures that players that love to see mass destruction and men thrown in the air get what they want and those that want a balanced game where cavalry don't dominate every other unit get what they want. 所以,我们既可以让玩家享受到一下子把很多敌人抛到空中的快感,又不至于让骑兵在游戏中太强,使其他兵种无以发挥。
This ensures that the data is not lost when the adapter is destroyed. 这样就可以确保在适配器被销毁时数据不会丢失。
This ensures that they'll accelerate, stop and steer when we need them to. 这保证它们在加速、刹车和操控等方面随时满足我们的要求。
This ensures that what you are seeing in your graphics program is how the image will be saved in PNG format. 这样可以确保你们看到你们程序图形图象将会如何挽救巴纽格式.
This ensures that your field is clear of those forces that may wish to distort or manipulate your vision. 这确保从你的场中扫清那些可能希望扭曲或控制你的想象的力量。
This entanglement of souls in what humanity calls matter was a probability from the beginning, but God did not know when it would happen until the souls, of their own choice, had caused it to happen. 人们把这种灵魂的纠缠称作物质,这自开始起就是一种可能性,但上帝并不知道它何时会发生,直到灵魂根据它们自己的选择使它发生。

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