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I parted with my brother in Paris.

I part company with her. 我和她持不同的意见。
I part my hair on the left side. 我把我的头发在左边分开。
I parted from my sister at the train station. 我在火车站与我姐姐告别。
I parted from this friend two years ago. 我两年前离开了这位朋友。
I parted the thorny branches and raised my hand against the glare of the Arizona sun. 我拨开带刺的枝叶,抬手遮住亚利桑那州的太阳。
I parted with my brother in Paris. 我跟我兄弟在巴黎分手。
I participate in answering at least three. 网友解答:你在课堂上经常参与回答你的老师吗?
I participated in QI Gong training class in my junior year. 我在三年级时曾参加过气功训练班。
I participated in the English Language Summer Camp of London in August last year. 去年八月,我参加了伦敦英语夏令营活动。
I participated in the panels on commodity and China-India and in some obligatory dinner parties. 我参加了一些关于商品(市场)和中国-印度(经济)的会议.
I participated in the spinal cord injury program in Craig hospital, Colorado, United States this year. 摘要笔者于今年初赴美国科罗拉多州科瑞格医院研习「脊髓受伤」之复健。

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