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Arsenal's Gilberto Silva has admitted that he would be tempted by a summer offer from Juventus.

Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein admitting initial talks between the two London clubs have taken place, although Chelsea would not want to sign a player who is ineligible to figure in Champions League action - hence his likely inactivity in Tuesday's thir 阿森那的代理主席邓恩已经承认了这两家伦敦球会正在进行的谈判,蓝军不愿意引进一个不能踢冠军联赛的球员,所以阿科尔很可能在在克罗地亚进行的比赛中休战。
Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein said Arsene Wenger is the Gunners' most successful manager after seeing them clinch the Premiership title. 在阿森纳夺冠后,阿森纳的副主席邓恩说温格是阿森纳历史上最成功的主教练。
Arsenal were able to hold onto Thierry Henry and also signed Tomas Rosicky, but can they topple Chelsea? 阿森那成功挽留了亨利,并且顺利买下了罗西基,但是,他们能够颠覆切尔西吗???
Arsenal would like to sign Chelsea's Gallas but Mourinho revealed the unsettled France defender was not part of the Chelsea offer. 枪手想签入切尔西的加拉,但是穆帅透露去留未定的法国后卫不是切尔西所提供的筹码的一部分。
Arsenal's Abou Diaby has returned to full training. 阿森纳小将迪亚比伤愈归队,参加了球队的训练。
Arsenal's Gilberto Silva has admitted that he would be tempted by a summer offer from Juventus. 阿森纳的吉尔伯托·席尔瓦已经承认他对夏天转会尤文图斯很感兴趣。
Arsenal's central defensive problems appear to be over. 阿森纳中卫的危机看起来可以解除了。
Arsenal's current vice-chairman has been at the Club for 21 years. 阿森纳的现任副主席已经为俱乐部工作了21年。
Arsenal's interest in Sevilla players has seen them make a move for Brazilian striker Julio Baptista. 阿森纳对塞维利亚的球员,巴西前锋朱利安巴普蒂斯塔有兴趣,并尝试将他签入。
Arsenal's players had an average age of less than 21. 工厂这场的球员平均年龄的低于21。
Arsenal, Lyon and Monaco inquired about the player last month. 阿森纳、里昂和摩纳哥上个月都为这位球员提出了试探。

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