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Finally, a guantum logical circuit which can carry out the unitary transformation is given.

Finally, a design example of optical system used for smog attenuation testing system is given to illustrate the effect of spherical aberration on the image beam waist. 最后通过激光羽烟衰减测试系统中聚光光学系统的设计实例说明了球差对高斯光束像方束腰的影响。
Finally, a feminist epistemology would also require the creation of knowledge to include its effect on the objects of research from the objects' standpoints. 依照女性主义的知识论,一项全面性的知识,不仅要考虑被研究者的观点,也必须说明研究结果对于被研究者的政治与社会地位的影响。
Finally, a foreigner from Samaria came along. 最后,一个从撒玛利亚地来的外国人经过那里。
Finally, a functional model of the software system was provided from the angle of conceptual design. 最后,从顶层设计的角度提出了软件系统的功能模型。
Finally, a green design of refrigerator was used as example of this information model. 最后,通过电冰箱产品的绿色设计进行了该信息模型的实例验证。
Finally, a guantum logical circuit which can carry out the unitary transformation is given. 最后,给出了实现这种传递的里子逻辑电路。
Finally, a new prototype system with 596 decision rules in it, based on fuzzy inference, is developed. 最后,本文发展出一个以模糊推论为基础且含596条决策规则的新原型系统。
Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the applicability of this condition. 并举了一个数值实例以说明结论的有效性。
Finally, a numerical example is presented. 最后,我们将以一个数值示范来做说明。
Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the feasibility and applicability of the proposed method. 通过给出一个算例说明了所提方法的可行性和实用性。
Finally, a numerical study testified validity of the model. 模型算例分析也验证了模型的有效性。

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