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So far, researchers have mostly investigated the stents themselves and how they are made, but now attention is turning also to the way they are being used, the question is how much of the problem of stent failure maybe the result of stents not being put i

So far, only one man has come up with a theory that seems to fit all the facts. 迄今为止,仅有一人的意见似乎符合所有情况.
So far, pipe has been laid along the trickiest part, the initial two-thirds of a mile. 一哩的前三分之二是最艰困的地段,目前那部份的水管已经铺设好了。
So far, reform in India has focused on setting its inventive private sector free from the world's most fearsome bureaucracy. 迄今,印度改革始终致力于将其私有创造产业从这个世界上最可怕的官僚体制中挣脱出来。
So far, relatively few influential voices are calling for an immediate withdrawal. 到目前为止,在那些有影响力的人士中,呼吁立即撤军的声音还相对较弱。
So far, researchers have mostly investigate (investigated) the stents themselves and how they are made. 一直以来,研究者们都在研究支架本身以及如何制作的问题。
So far, researchers have mostly investigated the stents themselves and how they are made, but now attention is turning also to the way they are being used, the question is how much of the problem of stent failure maybe the result of stents not being put i 至此,研究者主要调查了支架本身和它们是怎么制作的,但是现在的注意力转到它们的使用上来,疑点是导致支架的失败问题是支架没被放置在正确的位置,或者它们没被足够扩展使得在动脉里稳固。
So far, researchers have mostly investigated the stents themselves and how they are made. 到目前为止,研究者主要研究支架本身的构造和它们是如何做成的。
So far, so Hong Kong person. 我是一个地道的香港人。
So far, so bad. Since then, however, two things have happened that make this mess appear a little more palatable. Only at first sight, however. 迄今为止,一切看来都很糟糕。不过,自那以后发生了两件事,使目前这种混乱局面显得略微让人舒心了些。然而,那只是最初印象。
So far, so good: Mike Mussina remains optimistic that he will be able to avoid an assignment to the disabled list, two days after he left his start at Minnesota in the third inning with a strained left hamstring. 目前状况良好:在离开他先发面对双城比赛左腿拉伤的第三局两天后,老穆乐观表示他将不致于被放入伤兵名单。
So far, the Christians of Bethlehem insist, Hamas has treated them decently — turning back, for example, from proposals to make Sunday, the Christian holiday, into a working day. 目前,伯利恒的基督徒坚称,哈马斯待他们还不错,例如,他们退回了将基督教的星期天假日改为工作日的提议。

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