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I believe Team work spirit and I have Good PC skill and MS. especially EXCEL.

I believe I provide them the manner that in the way of polite, respectful and supportive. 我相信,我以有礼貌,尊重和支持的态度对待他们。
I believe I was charged too much. 我敢肯定向我收的费用太高了。
I believe I will reach the top of my enterprise. 我相信我还没有达到事业的巅峰。
I believe Margot's got a finger in that new boutique in the High Street. 我认为玛戈参与了大街上的那家时装用品小商店的买卖。
I believe Shevchenko has made a mistake. 我觉得他这个选择是个错误。
I believe Team work spirit and I have Good PC skill and MS. especially EXCEL. 我会努力做好属于自己的一份工作,把自己的能力和知识更好的结合到工作中。我相信自己。
I believe a blog is a conversation. 我相信博客是一次对话。
I believe any reputable NiMH batteries should be just fine. 我相信任何有信誉的镍氢电池都是可以的.
I believe firmly Chinese travel near future the industry will be in line with nations necessarily, formation largest tourism, industry, development,of fine structure and form. 我坚信不久的将来中国旅游业必将与国际接轨,形成“大旅游、大产业、大发展”的美好格局。
I believe for a business to succeed, it has to pay tribute to Buddha. 我相信一个事业要成功,就必须拜佛进贡。
I believe force should not be used to remove a dictatorial regime in a sovereign state without the explicit support of the international community, expressed through the United Nations. 我认为,不应该在没有通过联合国表叙的国际社会明确的支持的情况下使用军事力量推翻主权国家的专制政权。

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