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An extinct dinosaur came back to life!

An extensive task undertaken by a student or group of students to apply, illustrate, or supplement classroom lessons. 研究计划一个学生或一组学生执行以使用、阐明或补遗课堂作业的大量任务
An extent of open ground partially or completely enclosed by walls or buildings; a courtyard. 庭院,院子部分或完全地被墙或建筑物封闭的露天空地;庭院
An external audit is required for tax purpose. 公司为税务需要,要进行外聘审计。
An external factor, for example, might be that the product is already oldand useless by the time it is developed; that is, it is based on out-of-date technology that makes the product cumbersome to use. 例如,外部因素可能是产品开发出来时,已经过于陈旧而且没什么价值了,也就是说,过时的技术导致产品难于使用(可用性很差)。
An externally specified unit of work for the computing system from the stand- point of installation accounting and operating system control. A job consists of one or more job steps. 从计算站记帐和操作系统控制的角度看,一个作业通常指一个外部指定的任务单位。一个作业包含一个或多个作业步。
An extinct dinosaur came back to life! 一只灭绝的恐龙竟然复活了!
An extinct volcano can no longer erupt. 一个灭绝的火山已不能再爆发。
An extinct volcano. 一座死火山
An extra 10% was added to the restaurant bill for service. 饭馆帐单上已加了10%的服务费.
An extra 3 million barrels per day of production capacity worldwide is needed to avoid another year of blistering oil prices, International Energy Agency (IEA) executive director Claude Mandil warned on September 5. 9月5日,国际能源机构(简称IEA)执行理事克劳德·芒迪警告说,要避免下一年再度出现石油价格狂涨的现象,就需要在全球范围内把石油日产量再提高300万桶。
An extra 700 jobs are being cut on top of the 2000 that were last year. 继去年裁员2000以后,今年又消减了额外的700个工作岗位。

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