Plot twists are a tricky phenomenon. They can provide shock and awe in a carefully-constructed story, or turn out to be a cheap cop-out that evokes groans rather than gasps.
情节扭转是一种狡猾的现象。他们提供一个小心构造的故事,有震撼与威慑,或是唤起呻吟并非喘气的推托。 |
Plots recoil upon the plotters.
耍阴谋诡计的人终将自作自受。 |
Plott: The Plott is AKC's 154th breed. The Plott became eligible to compete in the Hound Group, effective January 1, 2007.
普洛特猎犬是AKC的第154种犬只。普洛特猎犬从2007.1.1可以有资格参加猎犬组的比赛。 |
Plough deeper and harvest more.
深耕细作,多打粮秣. |
Ploughing out him,I wander if he will be willing to work for us.
我正在试探他,看他是否愿意来为我们工作。 |
Plow the high seas.
破(浪)航行 |
Plowed through the backlog of work.
费力处理一堆积压待办的工作 |
Pls CONVERT the chair and put it aside.
请把椅子折起来放在一边。 |
Pls advise the ETD, ETA and the name of Vessel.
请通知:预计的开船时间,预计到达的时间和船名. |
Pls amend the foregoing L/C to read piece length in 30 yards i tead of 40 yards.
请把上述信用证条款中匹长40码改为30码。 |
Pls amend the foregoing L/C to read piece length in 30 yards instead of 40 yards.
请把上述信用证条款中匹长40码改为30码。 |