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Besides being the most sophisticated laboratory on the seas, the science vessel boasts the tallest drilling derrick at 112 meters above the waterline and a drill pipe that is 9.5 kilometers long—22 times the height of the Empire State Building.

Besides being able to fire them from howitzers, users could haul them around in backpacks or drop them from the air. 使用者除了能用榴弹炮发射,还能把飞机放在背包里四处走动,或是在空中投放。
Besides being accomplished within the time required, the projects qualified for the appraisal must submit overt projects, sound codes, documents and so on. 最终进入评审的项目在规定时间内完成的同时,还要提交公开的可执行程序与源代码、齐全的项目文档等。
Besides being an engineering marvel , it is a dream come true for Tibetans who deserve a better life. 这条铁路除了是工程上的「奇迹」外,对于应该享有更好的生活的西藏人而言,也是美梦成真。
Besides being proficient in English, 要想在跨国公司工作,
Besides being the capital of Yemen from the 13th to the 15th century, the city played an important role in the Arab and Muslim world for many centuries because of its Islamic university. 除了在13世纪到15世纪曾作为首都,几个世纪以来由于宰比得的伊斯兰大学,该城在阿拉伯和穆斯林世界也起着重要作用。
Besides being the most sophisticated laboratory on the seas, the science vessel boasts the tallest drilling derrick at 112 meters above the waterline and a drill pipe that is 9.5 kilometers long—22 times the height of the Empire State Building. 地球号除了是海面上最精密的仪器外,它还架起了世界最高的钻探铁架塔,高出海平面112公尺,钻管有9.5公里长(约是台北101大楼高度的19倍)。
Besides being wrong, your proposed action is also unwise. 你所建议的行动不仅是错误的,而且是很不明智的。
Besides biologic factors of failure, other complicated factors were surveyed from different viewpoints including anatomic location, surgical technique, and prosthetic restoration components. 除了生物性因素造成的失败外,其他的并发症也将由不同的论点包括解剖位置、手术方式、与假牙赝复的角度来加以探讨。
Besides bolstering Dr de Quervain's original hypothesis, this result is interesting because only 12% of the refugees had the rarer gene. 除了支持多米尼克教授的最初假设外,这一结果令人感兴趣的地方在于只有约12%的难民携带稀有型基因。
Besides building up a resource-saving enterprise and realizing the sustainable development of the enterprise, COSCO Group's participation in Global Compact also has following meanings: Firstly, it can improve the diplomatic image of COSCO Group in the wor 中远集团加入全球契约,除了建设节约型企业,实现自身的可持续发展以外,其意义还在于:1、提升中远集团在世界范围的对外交往形象;2、强化中远集团的社会责任感及企业公民意识,促进企业健康发展;3、将中远集团在企业社会责任方面的做法纳入全球契约的规范中,以可持续发展报告的形式公开披露,实现与一流跨国公司合作对话的平台;4、加强中远集团与联合国和国际组织之间的联系,提升企业国际关系层次。
Besides classrooms, we have laboratories, language lab, music room, cooking room, art and craft classroom, dancing room, computer room, which are well-equipped. 校舍除普教室外,有视听、语言、音乐、家政、美术、舞蹈、电脑等专科教室;还有生物、物理、化学实验室,设备完善。

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