Goodness!Now I see what you're talking about.It seems that there is a big waste pipe coming down from the town.
朱先生,你有看见海吗?当然,我看见了!它在我们周围!不!我意思是,后面如何翻译? |
Goodness, remembrance, and love have no end.
美德、纪念和爱将永不停息。 |
Goodness, where did you get that idea from ?
天哪,你那个想法是从哪里来的? |
Goodness, you look blue! Come in by the fire and get warm.
天啊,你都冻得发紫了!进来在火边暖暖身子。 |
Goods and service journeys thus fan out from source to destination, spreading by subdivision.
为此,货物和流动服务从某出发地到目的地呈扇形展开,通过分支的方式扩散开去。 |
Goods are theirs who enjoy them.
爱物者有物用. |
Goods brought in from abroad as personal effects by either travelers or crewmembers for personal use, whosequantity does not exceed the limitation prescribed by the government.
四旅客自国外随身携带之自用菸酒或调岸船员携带自用菸酒,未超过政府规定之限量者。 |
Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC.
境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。 |
Goods from foreign countries in transit /transship to North Korea or Iran via any commercial port in Taiwan shall be declared in detail, also must receive an approval from the BOFT or a government authority (agency) appointed by the Ministry of Economic A
外国货品经由我国通商口岸转口、转运至北韩及伊朗者,须详实申报货名,并向经济部国际贸易局或经济部委任或委托之机关(构)申请许可。 |
Goods from overseas are kept bonded, no customs duty or VAT required.
境外进入保税物流中心的货物给予保税。 |
Goods intended to be sold in the non-bonded areas shall not be transported into the bonded area.
目的在于销往非保税区的货物不得运入保税区。 |