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CT-Pathologic Correlative Analysis of the Single Maxillary Sinusitis Caseosa(A Report of Cases)

CT of the Porta Hepatis: Normal and Abnormal 正常与病变肝门CT的表现
CT scan , axillary view and Velpeau axillary view could show the complicated fractures. CT和腋位X线检查同时显示伴随骨折。
CT scaning with Simense Samotom plus' s and Marconi Mx8000 multi-slice service. CT扫描机型为Samotom Plus S机型和Mx 8000型排螺旋CT机。
CT scanning shown metastases to bone( cases,0.%),to lung( ,.%),and to trachea or larynx(9,.7%). CT显示肺内转移 例(.%),气管/喉转移9例(.7%),骨转移 例(0.%)。
CT scans of the parenchymal type showed tuberculoma(7.%, /0),brain abscess(%, 0/0),miliary nodutes(.%, /0). 脑实质受累的CT表现为脑结核瘤(7.%,蛐0)、脑脓肿(%,0蛐0)、脑粟粒结节(.%,蛐0)。
CT-Pathologic Correlative Analysis of the Single Maxillary Sinusitis Caseosa(A Report of Cases) 单发干酪性上颌窦炎的CT与病理对照分析(附例报告)
CTI Technology Booming 方兴未艾的电脑语音技术
CULTURE & STOMACH 文化和胃——当代中国文化扫描之四
CVSD is good at treating with the lost and destroyed sampling of speech. Even if the bit error rate is up to four percent, the speech treated with CVSD is audible. CVSD编码擅长处理被丢失和被损坏的语音采样,即使比特错误率达到%,CVSD编码的语音仍然是可听的。
CY+ microencapsulated catechin high dosage group, middle dosage group could improved K, a (P<0.0) and increase the viscus index of spleen and thymus ( P<0.0 P<0.0 ) ; 环磷酰胺+儿茶素微胶囊高剂量组小鼠的的半数溶血值HC_(0)显著增高(P<0.0); 环磷酰胺+儿茶素微胶囊高剂量组小鼠的的脾指数、胸腺指数有一定的提高(P<0.0或P<0.0)。
CY+ microencapsulated catechin high dosage group, middle dosage group could significantly intensify degrees of oncotic caused by DNFB(P<0.0); 与模型组比较,环磷酰胺+儿茶素微胶囊高、中剂量组小鼠耳片肿胀度显著增加(P<0.0);

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