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After her record-breaking performance at the Asian Games, she trained heavily for the Olympics.

After her operation she suffered from general debility. 她在手术後感到全身虚弱.
After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之後已卧床一星期了.
After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之后已卧床一星期了.
After her parents divorced when she was two, her dad removed himself from her life, ignoring her repeated attempts to reunite. 在她两岁的时候父母就离了婚,这后她的爸爸不顾她多次设法让全家团聚,从她的生活中抽身而去。
After her parents divorced, Audrey went to London with her mother where she went to a private girls school. 父母离婚之后,奥黛丽跟母亲去了伦敦,并进入一间女子私立学校读书。
After her record-breaking performance at the Asian Games, she trained heavily for the Olympics. 继亚运会上破纪录的表现之后,她加紧练习,准备进军奥运。
After her seventeenth birthday Kylie left school to take up acting as a full time profession. 刚过完17岁生日的凯莉就退学了,成为了一名全职演员。
After her stint at the show, she was used as the factory demo car staring in the road test of the motor and staying on with the works until 1934. 自从“她”在展览会上初露身手之后,“她”就一直被当作发动机路试中工厂演示车型的明星,直到1934年才退役。
After her swim she dried herself with a towel. 游泳后,她用毛巾擦干身子。
After high school a person may prepare for a particular vocation or occupation by attending vocational courses either in a junior college or in a privately supported training school such as secretarial or industrial school. 高中毕业后,毕业生可以入大专或私人资助的培训学校(如秘书学校或工业学校)读职业课程,为从事某项专业或职业做准备。
After high school expands to recruit, circumstances that freshmen face are gradually complicated, how does freshmen's master availably work for freshmen's student work? 摘要高校扩招后,大学新生所面临的情况日趋复杂,新生班主任如何才能有效地开展新生的学生工作呢?

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