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It pained me to think that other children were wondering if I were hungry.

It owns the most complete data bank of Chinese government innovations. 中国政府创新网拥有国内最完整的政府创新数据库。
It owns two workshops which are specified respectively in garment dyeing and yarn dyeing, and utmost daily output could be 20 tons. 公司现有成衣和绞纱两个染色车间,日产量可达20吨,染缸60余只。
It paid investment banks and rating agencies handsomely—around $200m a year by some estimates—to structure the products and help value them with complex mathematical models. 它不惜重金支付给投资银行和等级评定机构(据估计)每年将近2亿美元——用来构建其产品及帮助其用复杂的数学模式来进行衡量。
It paid too much for Unilever's specialty chemicals business and struggled to pay down the debt it incurred by selling its commodity petrochemicals operations at just the wrong point in the cycle. 它在对联合利华的特色化学制品业务投入过多,并且还要努力偿还由于在石油化学制品销售操作中错误运作所遭致的大量债务。
It pained me to see my child suffer like that. 看到我的孩子受这样的罪,我心里非常难过。
It pained me to think that other children were wondering if I were hungry. 别的孩子们都在怀疑我是不是在挨饿,一想到这事儿我就头痛。
It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。
It pains her to see him thinner from illness. 看到他因病日渐消瘦,她心里很难过。
It pains me to have to tell you that... 我以沉痛的心情告诉你。。。
It partly has to do with familiarity. 它部分必须用亲密做。
It passed ISO9002 Quality System Certications and got CE Certificate issued by European Community and Certificate of type approval for marine product issued by China Classification Society (CCS).refer to the best advanced manufacture and test equipment,JU 巨力集团现场通过了ISO9002国际质量体系认证、CE认证、CCS认证等;引用当前世界上最先进的制造、检测设备,巨力集团要以最先进的机械设备和当前完善的质量保证体系,向顾客提供最优质的产品和最完善的服务!

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