Respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.
遵照知识产权,公平使用,并遵循财务揭露相关法律。 |
Respect for others' opinions is universal.
不管在哪个国家都需要尊重他人的观点。 |
Respect for the notion of others is a scientific attitude.
尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。 |
Respect forum moderators, they all work to make this a better place for free.
十、尊重版主,他们在努力将这里建设的更好,并保持免费服务。 |
Respect is an energy which connects up to heaven and down through earth; gratitude is an energy that allows the energy ball to form; confidence is an energy that awakens the power from the center point.
尊敬心就是通天贯地的能量;感谢心就是让能量团成形的能量;信心就是让中心点启动,生出力量的能量。 |
Respect is never given for nothing.
没有人会无缘无故地赏识你。 |
Respect other people's positions is a sort of scientism.
尊重他人的观点也是一种科学态度。 |
Respect other people, respect an oneself, be responsible for own behavior.
尊重别人,尊重自己,为自己的行为负责。 |
Respect requires not empty talk, but action. Unanimity requires not shared ideas, but action.
尊重不是说说就算了,而是要身体力行;共识不是知道就好了,而是要动作一致。 |
Respect the choices they make.
尊重他们的选择。 |
Respect the local residents. Don't ②lay into your drum kit at midnight in a residential area. Also respect the space of other buskers.
要尊重当地居民。午夜时分,不要在居民区敲打你的架子鼓。也不要侵占其他街头艺人的空间。 |