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The main technical conditions for preparing activated clay with bentonite were determined.The decolored rate and activated degree of the product were increased by processing bentonite ore.The high quality activated clay was prepared successfully.Moreover,

The main task of Education and training is to arouse the inner here, unleash the power within the power within and improve the life quality. 教育培训的主要任务--唤醒心中的巨人,释放内在的潜能,成就美好的人生。
The main task of the implementation is to rewrite the validation method. 实现的主要任务是重写确认方法。
The main tasks of China's economic construction and reform are to improve the socialist market economy system, promote strategic adjustment of the economic structure, accomplish basic industrialization, energetically apply information technology, accelera 中国经济建设和改革的主要任务是完善社会主义市场经济体制,推动经济结构战略性调整,基本实现工业化,大力推进信息化,加速建设现代化,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展,不断提高人民生活水平。
The main tasks of the Committee includes: establishing technical criterion and standards of the industry; evaluating the technical grades of theatrical equipment enterprises; providing consultation concerning feasibility of performance arena project, stag 专业委员会的主要任务包括:制定行业技术标准、规范;开展演艺设备工程企业综合技术能力等级评定工作;接受演出场馆建设项目的可行性论证、舞台工艺设计等方面的咨询服务;开展多种形式、不同层次的技术交流和技术培训活动。
The main tasks of the World Health Assembly are to approve the WHO programme and the budget for the following biennium and to decide major policy questions. 世界卫生大会的主要任务是批准世界卫生组织的规划和随后两年一度的预算并就重大政策问题做出决定。
The main technical conditions for preparing activated clay with bentonite were determined.The decolored rate and activated degree of the product were increased by processing bentonite ore.The high quality activated clay was prepared successfully.Moreover, 本文以安徽某地膨润土为原料,首先对其分级提纯,然后对影响活性白土质量的主要工艺条件进行较为系统的试验研究,成功地制备了脱色力大于200,且脱色率、活性度均超过国家化工行业规定的一等品标准的高效活性白土。
The main technique however is to begin slowly, play accurately, then gradually increase your speed. 然而,关键的技巧在于,先慢速而且准确的吹奏,然后逐步提高速的。
The main techniques are point, strike down, cloud and sweep. 常见动作有:点棍、劈棍、云棍、拦腰棍。
The main techniques are raise, push, poke, uppercut and strike down. 常见动作有:挑棍、推棍、戳棍、撩棍、劈棍。
The main technological and economical indicators of the technology are also top notch around in the world. 其主要技术经济指标达到国内外同类技术领先水平。
The main technological characteristics include not only the integrated optimizing design of variable speed and constant frequency, ensuring the wind turbines to adapt to diversified wind plants with different temperatures and geographical conditions, but 主要技术特点是整体综合优化设计、变速恒频运行、适合不同气候特点和地理环境的风电场;风机全翼展变浆距功率调节、额定风速以下最佳变速比运行最大风能捕获、额定风速以上恒功率输出具有安全保护功能。

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