The academy on the one hand manifests the independent cultural innovation spirit, being a supreme head quarter of the education reform and the academic innovation at that time; On the other hand, however, with the close official cooperation, it has a very
书院一方面体现出独立的文化创新精神,成为当时教育改革、学术创新的大本营;另一方面又与官方密切合作,有很强的“官学化”趋势。 |
The academy's commandant, General Andrew Ritchie, jokingly warned of tough times ahead.
军校司令安德鲁·里奇将军打趣说,苦日子还在后面呢。 |
The accelerated (malignant) phase of hypertension is usually accompanied by elevated PRA.
高血压急进(恶性)期多伴有PRA增高。 |
The accelerated development of information technologies is having an increasing impact on the global economic activity and social structures.
信息技术的加速发展正在对全球的经济活动和社会结构产生越来越大的影响。 |
The accelerated methods apply best to those assets that gen erate greater revenue earlier in their useful lives.
加速折旧法最适用那些在寿命早期能产生较高收益的资产。 |
The accelerating and decelerating of the step-motor during weaving and its driving principle were discussed, and the calculating method for parameters of the mechanical driving system was expounded with examples.
分析了步进电机在织造过程中的加减速控制方法以及步进电机的驱动原理,阐述了织轴驱动系统机械传动的参数计算方法,并以示例进行了说明。 |
The acceleration is first evaluated from governing equation, secondly, the formulae of displacement and velocity are developed basing on some assumptions, and then the discrete expressions of the response mean square value are deduced.
首先,直接从控制方程出发计算加速度,其次,给出了位移和速度的一种近似计算公式,最后,推导出响应均方值的离散计算表达式。 |
The acceleration is positive if the speed is increased, negative if speed is decreased.
速度增加的加速度为正加速度,速度减少的加速度为负加速度。 |
The acceleration is related to the mass of the object.
加速度与物体的质量有关。 |
The acceleration of a body in orbit depends on the velocity and size of the orbit.
轨道上物体的加速度取决于其速度及轨道的大小。 |
The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
牛顿第一定律:任何物体都保持静止或匀速直线运动的状态,直到受到其它物体的作用力迫使它改变这种状态为止。 |