In 1910, as Korea was occupied by Japan, Japan began to reconstruct and plunder Korean agricultural technology colonially.
摘要1910年,朝鲜沦为日本殖民地,日本帝国主义就开始了时朝鲜农业技术的殖民性改造与掠夺。 |
In 1911 after I had made a great success trading in stocks and commodities, there was a public demand for a book with my rules for trading successfully.
在1911年我在股票和期货交易市场取得了巨大的成功后,公众要求我写一本交易成功的规则的手册。 |
In 1911, Britain's King George the Fifth was crowned at Westminster Abbey.
1911年,英国国王乔治五世在威斯敏斯特教堂被授予皇冠。 |
In 1911, Chevrolet Motor Company of Michigan is incorporated in November of 1911 by Louis Chevrolet, William Little and Edwin Cambell, William Durant's son-in-law. Headquarters are in Detroit.
1911年,美国雪佛兰汽车公司在1911年11月由路易斯.雪佛兰,威廉.利特尔,艾得温.肯贝以及威廉.杜兰特的女婿成立,总部设在底特律. |
In 1911, revolutionaries under Sun Yat-sen overthrew China's Manchu dynasty.
1911年的今天,在革命家孙中山的领导下推翻了中国的满族的朝代。 |
In 1911, the Richard Strauss opera Der Rosenkavalierpremiered in Dresden, Germany.
1911年,理查史特劳斯歌剧蔷薇骑士于德国德雷斯敦首映。 |
In 1912 in Stockholm, the first electric timing devices and public address system was used at the Olympics.
1912年斯德哥尔摩奥运会上,电子计时设备和公共报道系统第一次在奥运会上使用。 |
In 1912, no longer a lawless frontier, Arizona became a state, but precious metals and gunslingers were only a part of Arizona's heritage.
在1912年,亚利桑纳州正式成为一州,州界也得到确立。不过,这些珍贵的矿藏与枪客、都只是亚利桑纳州的诸多传统之一罢了。 |
In 1913, at the height of its empire, Britain was the world's biggest creditor.
1913年英国是当时世界上最大的债权国,正处于它的鼎盛时期。 |
In 1914, President Wilson issued his Proclamation of Neutrality,aimed at keeping the United States out of World War One.
1914年,威尔逊总统宣布中立,目的是为了使美国避免卷入第一次世界大战. |
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.
1914年美国总统胡佛·威尔森公开宣布将母亲节定为国家节日,定于五月的第二个星期天。 |