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There will be leisurely Zodiac sightseeing cruises past icebergs or wildlife on the rocky shoreline.

There will be hardly enough space for anybody else on the earth. 地球上将不会再有足够的空间容纳其他的任何人。
There will be hardly enough space for anybody else. 对任何人来讲,都将没有足够的空间。
There will be heavy and hard task for soil and water conservation in 21st century according to state ecological environment construction plan. 按照国家生态环境建设规划要求,21世纪水土保持工作任务繁重而艰巨。
There will be heavy snow tomorrow. 明天将下大雪。
There will be intermittent flare-ups of clinical disease; infectious virus can be recovered during flare-ups. 可间歇性骤发临床疾病,此时可检测到病毒。
There will be leisurely Zodiac sightseeing cruises past icebergs or wildlife on the rocky shoreline. 您可以欣赏到冰山景象或者岩石海岸线上的野生动物。
There will be lots of volunteer helpers and guides. 到时将有许多的志愿者和导游。
There will be lots of volunteers and guides. 将会有很多志愿者和导游。
There will be magic shows, costume contests, musical performances, readings and -- last but not least -- book sales. 将会有魔法秀,服装比赛,音乐表演,读书活动举办,而且--最后当然也一样重要的--书售。
There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. 将有许多烟火柱就像白羽毛已经看见的,白人不久从这里进入沙漠。
There will be massive defaults. 它的后果是严重的。

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