Last June astronomers reported the discovery of Krypton's real-life counterpart, a planet orbiting a red dwarf called Gliese 876, about 15 light-years from our sun.
今年6月,天文学家宣称已找到了现实生活里的氪星,那是距离太阳约15光年处,环绕著葛利斯876这颗红矮星的一颗行星。 |
Last June it agreed to pool its telecoms equipment business with Nokia, a leader in wireless systems.
去年6月,西门子商定将与无线通信界巨头诺基亚联姻,共同发展通讯设备市场。 |
Last June the annual headline rate in America, pushed up by soaring oil prices, was as high as 4.3%, but by October it had plunged to 1.3%.
去年六月,由于飞涨的油价的带动,美国年整体通货膨胀增长高达4.3%,但到十月止增长率只有1.3%。 |
Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends.
去年三月,头带MVP神圣光环,高亢颂歌相伴身旁的麦迪,正凝视着挤满房间的一大票沉默不语的朋友。 |
Last May, OneWorld and WHO started a clinical trial of paromomycin that has since enrolled 670 patients in Bihar state—the largest for an antiparasite drug ever conducted in India, according to Herskowitz.
去年5月,天下一家和WHO展开了巴龙黴素的临床试验,在印度比哈省有670位患者登记,根据赫什科维茨表示,这是印度规模最大的抗寄生虫药物试验。 |
Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wild life.
上星期一,我们班进行了一次有组织的旅行,到森林里去研究野生动物。 |
Last Monday, 17 October, the Governors-Elect Training Seminar or GETS started, culminating in the District Governors Elect Graduation Dinner last night.
10月17日星期一,开始了总监当选人训练研习会或者GETS,而于昨夜地区总监当选人毕业晚餐达到高潮。 |
Last November a Chinese court sentenced the founder of the country's largest pornography Web site to life imprisonment.
去年11月中国一法院判处中国最大的色情网站创办人无期徒刑。 |
Last November, the Security Council passed Resolution 1441.
2002年11月,安理会通过了第1441号决议。 |
Last October about 1,000 Italians fled their homes after mount Etna, the famous volcano on the island of Sicily, rumbled to life.
2002年10月,西西里岛上著名的埃特纳火山隆隆爆发,约1000名义大利人因此被迫逃离家园。 |
Last October, Japan promised to halve its quota for the southern bluefin tuna as compensation for overfishing, but denied it had surpassed the quota on purpose.
去年十月,日本承诺减半南方黑鲔鱼的配额,以补偿过度捕捞,但该国否认曾有意地超过捕捞的限额。 |