Fabrication of molecular computer seems to be the only way to break through the limits of conventional semiconductor electronic computer.
摘要研制分子计算机也许是突破传统半导体电子计算机发展极限的唯一出路。 |
Fabrication: submitting contrived ot altered information in any academic exercise. Example: making up data for experiment, fudging data, citing nonexistent articles, contriving sources, etc.
伪造:指凡在某一学术活动中杜撰或篡改数据者。例如:制造试验数据,捏造数据,引用并不存在的论文,伪造资料等。 |
Fabricators of pressure vessel using alloy, carbon steel and high temperature alloy using in petrochemical and refining industries.
合金を使用して圧力容器の制作者、炭素钢及び高温合金石油化学制品及び精錬业で使用する。 |
Fabrizio Miccoli has told Juventus that he's unwilling to join Porto given his time on loan with rivals Benfica.
法布里奇奥·米科利已经告知尤文图斯,他在结束目前租借于本非卡的合同后并不愿意加盟竞争对手波尔图。 |
Fabulous Website! It is very creative and includes a wealth of information.
[精彩的网站!非常有创造性,提供了极丰富的信息。 |
Fabulous creatures flicking their silver fins and ancient jewels.
神奇的生物煽动银鳍,珠光辉熠。 |
Fabulous profits were sweated out of these foreign workers.
从外籍工人身上榨取惊人的利润。 |
太精采了! |
Face Changing is a tour de force of Sichuan drama art. It requires great performing attainments and profound artistic sympathy on the part of the perfomer.
“变脸”是川剧表演艺术中的一项绝活,它需要表演者既有较深的艺术功底,又有艺术灵性。 |
Face Detection Based on high effective and discriminative AdaBoost algorithm with lots of face and non-face images for training, the computer is able to detect multi-view face area from video stream.
实时人脸对齐系统采用经优化后的形变模型算法,使得计算机能在已知的人脸区域中实时定位人脸的五官,为之后的准确识别人脸提供先决条件。 |
Face a girl like this, I felt so touching.
面对这样一个女孩,我常有的是感动。 |