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Tom is stronger than his brother.

Tom is reluctant to part with his family. 汤姆对他的家恋恋不舍.
Tom is reluctant to part with his home. 汤姆对他的家恋恋不舍.
Tom is riding his skateboard. He often has accidents. He's a bad skateboarder because he's a fast and careless skateboarder. 汤姆正在玩滑板。他常常发生意外。他不是一个好的滑板者,因为他是一个滑得快的和鲁莽的滑板者。
Tom is saving up for a bicycle. 汤姆要买一辆自行车,为此他正在攒钱。
Tom is sitting in the teahouse, reading a magazine. His cell phone rings. (汤姆正坐在茶馆内看杂志,他的手机响了。)
Tom is stronger than his brother. 汤姆比他兄弟强壮。
Tom is such a big spender that having no money really cramps his style. 汤姆是个花钱能手,没有了钱的确限制了他的才能。
Tom is such penny pincher, and none likes to be with him. 汤姆是一个小气鬼,所以没有人喜欢和他在一块。
Tom is talking with his friend. 汤姆正和他朋友谈话。
Tom is the black sheep of his family. 黑色绵羊,又指有辱门楣的人;败类;害群之马;不肖子孙。
Tom is the eldest of the family. 汤姆是子女中最大的一个。

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