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Fast food outlets should reduce the energy density of their menus as well as their portion sizes, the scientists said.

Fast development is ensured by the growing of this company in China and by the well established world-leading company in Germany. 由于本公司在中国的发展,以及本公司在德国确立的大公司地位,会使你有快速发展的机会。
Fast enough, NASA says, to prevent widespread contamination and save lives. NASA认为只有足够快才能预防炭疽的遍布污染和拯救生命。
Fast factoring algorithms, if they exist, would have untold applications for industrial and even military espionage. 因此,如果真能找到快速做因数分解的演算法,在产业界甚至军事谍报上的应用都不可限量。
Fast food and beverage companies have been the most consistent foreign earners in the domestic economy. 在中国国内市场上,外国快餐和饮料公司一直是最稳定的外国赢利企业。
Fast food is usually cheaper in New York. 速食在纽约通常比较便宜。
Fast food outlets should reduce the energy density of their menus as well as their portion sizes, the scientists said. 科学家们指出,快餐店不仅要降低食品的能量密度,而且要缩小食品的体积。
Fast food restaurants, on the other hand, tend to 6)go for music with a higher tempo, because such music encourages us to 7)chew our food faster, finish sooner and make room for other customers earlier. 反过来说,速食餐厅往往会采用节奏较快的音乐,因为这种音乐可以鼓励我们更快咀嚼食物,早点吃完,快快把位子让给别的顾客。
Fast food, takeout, and heat-and-serve dishes make up much of the modern American diet. 快餐,外买和加热即食的食品成为多数美国人的日常饮食.
Fast food, takeout,and heat-and-serve dishes make up much of the modern American diet. 速食,外卖,和加热食品是当今美国的主要(普遍)食品.
Fast growth is essential to pull millions of Indians out of poverty, so it is sad to pour cold water on this story. 对数亿印度人来说,要想摆脱贫困,就必须快速发展,因此对他们创造一个“令人难以置信的印度”的想法泼冷水是很伤人的。
Fast heating, high precision of tempt control and high thermal efficiency. 加热速度快,控温精度高,热效率高。

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