Patterns and significance of abnormal karyotypes were discussed, and they showed great variations from one hypospadias to another, and no defenite aetiological correlations could be established. |
中文意思: 有76位尿道下裂患者另外含有其他身体上的异常,主要包括隐睾症,疝气,阴囊分裂,以及性别不明等。 |
Pattern classification of flaw was carried out with BP neural network and the feature selected.
利用BP神经网络分类器及选择的特征值对缺陷进行模式分类。 |
Pattern instructions controlled by chain to knit reliable and stable.
任意调整编织宽度,花型指令由电脑控制。 |
Pattern recognition (character recognition, facial recognition) experience is highly preferred.
有模式识别(如文字识别、人脸识别)经验者优先考虑。 |
Pattern recognition and intelligent system has been developed as a new discipline based on signal processing, artificial intelligence, cybernetics and computer technology since 1960s.
模式识别与智能系统是20世纪60年代以来在信号处理、人工智能、控制论、计算机技术等学科基础上发展起来的新型学科。 |
Patterned, water-activated paper tape with fiber reinforcement. The pattern can be anything that will help identify when a carton seal has been broken. Tape must not interfere with carton markings.
牛皮纸防水封箱胶带:当箱子上的任何封口胶带破裂时,很容易被辨别出来,但封箱胶带不能封到箱唛上。 |
Patterns and significance of abnormal karyotypes were discussed, and they showed great variations from one hypospadias to another, and no defenite aetiological correlations could be established.
有76位尿道下裂患者另外含有其他身体上的异常,主要包括隐睾症,疝气,阴囊分裂,以及性别不明等。 |
Patton, Rommel's old rivalry, was sent to Dover on the other side of the strait to command a fictional American army group and make large scale construction prepared for Allied landing operations.
隆美尔的老对手——美军名将巴顿,被派到了多佛尔地区,指挥一个并不存在的美国集团军,并且为登陆作战构筑大规模土木工程。 |
Patton: Chaplain, I want you to publish a prayer for good weather.
巴顿:牧师,我想要你发表一份祈求好天气的祷告文。 |
Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled Good morning to all.
姐妹俩一道为儿童们谱写了一首歌,歌名为《大家早上好》。 |
Patty Ronney, 49, said she had never seen a single meteor before leaving home.
49岁的帕蒂-龙尼说她在离开家赶到威尔逊山之前,从来没有见到过流星。 |
Patty dawdled away four years in college.
帕蒂在大学里混了四年。 |