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Seen here in a portal tract is an intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate with loss of bile ductules.

Seen from the top,the stadium looks as if a gray net of steel covers it. 从高处俯看,这个体育场就如同被一个灰色的钢筋网所覆盖.
Seen from this angle the woman in the picture is smiling. 从这个角度来看, 画中的女子面带微笑.
Seen from within, the cave looks larger. 从内部看这山洞显得比较大些。
Seen here are two Langhans type giant cells in which the nuclei are lined up around the periphery of the cell. 图示两个朗格汉斯巨细胞,其细胞核沿着细胞周围排列。
Seen here in a hilar lymph node is a granuloma. 图示:肺门淋巴结处可见肉芽肿。
Seen here in a portal tract is an intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate with loss of bile ductules. 图中的门管区具有突出的慢性炎性浸润而胆小管丧失。
Seen here in a pulmonary artery branch is an amniotic fluid embolus that has layers of fetal squames. 可见肺动脉分支内的羊水栓子,有数层胎儿鳞屑。
Seen here in a renal artery branch are cholesterol clefts of such an embolus. 图示肾动脉分形成了这种胆固醇栓子。
Seen here is a fissure extending through mucosa at the left into the submucosa toward the muscular wall, which eventually will form a fistula. 左边可见裂缝从黏膜延伸到黏膜下层、肌层,最终形成瘘管。
Seen here is chronic endometritis with lymphocytes and plasma cells in the endometrial stroma. 图示:子宫内膜慢性炎症伴淋巴细胞和浆细胞浸润。
Seen here is on colonoscopy are views of hemorrhoids at the anorectal junction. 肛门直肠交界处的痔疮的结肠镜检图。

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