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Multipage Signal. Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information, and to return to the beginning of phase C upon receipt of a confirmation.

Multinational company experience is a plus . 必须有跨国公司的工作经验.
Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things. 跨国公司和全球化带来好的和坏的东西.
Multinationals such as General Electric see China as a market for jet engines and power systems. 美国通用电气等跨国公司把中国视为喷气发动机和动力系统的巨大市场。
Multinationals that manufacture in China and other developing countries have become used to regular inspections of working conditions at their factories, investigations into whether their supply chains use child labour and constant media and NGO scrutiny. 在中国和其它发展中国家进行制造的跨国企业,已经习惯了对其工厂的工作条件进行定期检查,调查其供应链是否雇用童工,也习惯了面对媒体及非政府组织的不断关注。
Multinomial factors should be considered in the stability analysis and hazard prediction of seismic loess slopes. 在地震黄土斜坡稳定性分析和灾害预测中,必须考虑多项影响因子。
Multipage Signal. Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information, and to return to the beginning of phase C upon receipt of a confirmation. 多页面信号。指的是一页完整的传真信息的末端然后在收到一个确定后回到C段的开始。
Multiphasic helical CT imaging revealed multifocal hypovascular nodules predominantly at the periphery of both hepatic lobes with concentric filling of contrast medium and delayed enhancement. 多相螺旋式计算机断层扫瞄发觉有多颗低血管性小结节主要分布于左右两叶肝脏的周边,并呈现出向心的显影剂填充及延迟显影。
Multiplayer has gained more depth due to the new tactical options. 网络玩家从新的战术选项得到了更有深度的权力。
Multiple adenomatous polyps of the cecum are seen here in a case of familial polyposis. 图示:家族性肠息肉病的一个病例—盲肠部位的多发性腺瘤性息肉。
Multiple approaches to evaluation of groundwater resources are used in order to obtain satisfactory results. 地下水资源评价需要采用多种方法,相互校核,以提高其成果的信度。
Multiple attacks kill 15 US troops in Iraq. 15名美军死于多起袭击。

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