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The different subsidence history not only demonstrates that the two areas have different tectonic settings, but also proves that the Caledonian basin migrated to northwest when the Cathaysian plate was gradually subducted toward Yangtze plate from southea

The different packing with the different price, this item's packing is OPP bag. 不同包装价格不同.本品是袋装包装.
The different reuse strategies that possess significance of guideline for new product development of different industries were proposed also. 给出不同企业新产品开发的重用策略,即平台重用和部件重用复合驱动策略、平台重用驱动策略、部件重用驱动策略和单一产品设计策略。
The different sections of the city are actually quite discrete and each has its own characteristics. 这座城市的不同地区实际上相当独立,各具特色。
The different size elementary schools had different perception of principals' transactional leadership. 6. 五、不同学校规模校长交易领导有显着差异。
The different size elementary schools had equal job satisfaction. 7. 六、不同学校规模教师工作满意无显著差异。
The different subsidence history not only demonstrates that the two areas have different tectonic settings, but also proves that the Caledonian basin migrated to northwest when the Cathaysian plate was gradually subducted toward Yangtze plate from southea 这些差别这一方面说明了两地区具有不同的构造背景,另一方面也反映了华夏板块由南东逐渐地向北西扬子板块靠拢,沉积盆地相应地向西北迁移的动力学过程。
The different types of cozy and comfortable guest rooms with drinkable water through pipes will give you a nicely first impression. 温馨、舒适的不同类型客户供您选择。配有方便食用的管道引用水,您定会留下美好的第一印象。
The different types of tumor cells were distinguishable by the size of the secretory granules, the electron density and the intracellular organelles which they contained. 肿瘤细胞不同型的区别在于:细胞所含分泌颗粒的大小与其电子密度,以及他们所含的内在微细构造之差异。
The different vibrations of bird songs save the world from a dreadful monotone. 鸟儿高低不同的歌声,使得这个世界不致单调。
The different which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme. 音位变体是一个音位在特定的语音环境力的具体体现,同一音位在不同语音环境里体现为不同的变体,也就是语音。
The different working conditions of the waterproof layer of spraying-on acrylate membrane in tunnel composite linings were simulated in tests to evaluate the waterproofing effectiveness and influencing factors of the layer. 摘要对丙烯酸盐喷膜防水层在隧道复合式衬砌中的不同工作状态进行模拟与测试,以对其防水效能及影响因素做出评价。

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