But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.
但是现在我们不能再以临阵磨枪的方式承担国防上的风险;我们已被迫创建一个规模宏大的永久性军事工业。 |
But now we can sing and we can dance.
但现在我们会唱歌,会跳舞。 |
But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that in which we were held, so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter.
6但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们在灵的新样里服事,不在字句的旧样里。 |
But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!
6现在我们的心血枯竭了、除这麽哪以外、在我们眼前并没有别的东西。 |
But now we know what makes flu such an annual irritant, and so potentially deadly, is that like the HIV virus that causes AIDS, it is a moving target.
不过我们现在知道流感之所以年年来袭且其潜在致命性如此高,就是因为它跟引发爱滋病的「人体免疫缺乏病毒」(HIV)一样,都是游移不定的射击目标。 |
But now we see not yet all things put under him.
只是如今我们还不见万物都服他。 |
But now when shall I provide for my own house also?
如今,我什么时候也为自己的家作些事呢? |
But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
8但现在你们要弃绝这一切的事,以及恼恨,忿怒,恶毒,(或作阴毒)毁谤,并口中污秽的言语。 |
But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
16现今你们竟以张狂跨口。凡这样跨口都是恶的。 |
But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
西3:8但现在你们要弃绝这一切的事、以及恼恨、忿怒、恶毒、〔或作阴毒〕毁谤、并口中污秽的言语。 |
But now you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil.
16现今你们竟以张狂夸口;凡这样夸口都是恶的。 |