Throw out a minnow to catch a whale.
抛砖引玉;以小引大。 |
Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
别理会那些无关紧要的数字,比如你的年龄,体重和身高。让医生去操心吧,因为他们收了你的钱。 |
Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That's why you pay him/her.
一些无关紧要的数字不要挂怀,包括你的年龄、体重和身高。让医生来操心吧。因为他们收了你的报酬。 |
Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight, and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
别理会那些不重要的数字。这包括年龄、体重及身高。让你的医生去为那些数字操心吧,这是他们的本职工作。 |
Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age,weght,and weight.
别理会那些不重要的数字,这包括年龄、体重和身高。 |
Throw out your calf-idol, O Samaria! My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of purity?
5撒玛利亚阿、耶和华已经丢弃你的牛犊.我的怒气向拜牛犊的人发作.他们到几时方能无罪呢。 |
Throw rubbish on the campus is not allowed.
在校园里不准丢垃圾. |
Throw that tainted meat away; it's not edible.
把那块腐烂的肉扔掉,不能再吃了。 |
Throw the baby out with the bath water.
把洗澡水连同婴儿一起倒掉。 |
Throw the refuse in the garbage can.
把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里。 |
Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive.
跳水时手臂迅速前伸. |