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For example, why is grass skinny and hollow?

For example, when you are under high stress, it can worsen symptoms of PMS because stress can cause the muscle tension associated with PMS complaints such as fatigue, soreness and aching. 举个例子,当你在高度的压力下,它可能会使女性出现经期综合症等糟糕的症状,因为压力可以导致肌肉紧张从而出现经期综合症比如容易疲劳,忧郁和心痛等。
For example, when you search for a book in the library catalog you will get a call number. 例如,当你搜索目录中的一本书时你将得到一个编码。
For example, when you're traveling you'll be able to call up your itinerary, send an e-mail postcard, book an appointment with your doctor or balance your bank account using a handheld PC that will know what information you need, and when and where you ne 例如,你旅行的时候,可以调出旅行计划,发送电子邮件明信片,预约医生,或者结算银行账户,所使用的则是手持式个人电脑,它知道你需要什么信息以及何时何地需要。
For example, which message do you find more appealing “You have input the wrong information” or “An account number should be 8 digits in length.”? 举例来说,你找起来更引起兴趣的哪个信息呢你有输入错误的数据或一个帐户数字应该是长度8个数字.?
For example, while white is a symbol of purity in Western cultures, it stands for bad luck and unhappiness in China, Japan, and India. 举个例子来说,白色在西方国家象征着纯洁,但是在中国、日本和印度,它代表了厄运和痛苦。
For example, why is grass skinny and hollow? 举例来说为什么木草要呈薄膜状而且中心中空?
For example, will this be a tougherset of missions geared for veteran players, or an expansion to emphasize some facet of gameplay, such as co-op? 比方说,这是一套更难对付的任务适合那些经验丰富的玩家,或是对游戏玩法的某些方面的扩充,列如合作模式?
For example, with activities being conducted from the home, we should all become hermit-like, never having any need to leave the house. 例如,由于所有活动都可在家里完成,人们就会变得像隐士一样,无需再离开家里半步。
For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. 譬如,随着城市的发展,杀虫剂的使用和严重的污染,野生动物的生活区域变得越来越狭小。
For example, women, many of whom had been active supporters of the war to preserve democracy (like the dedicated Moms in this photo), finally got the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. 举例来说,许多妇女表现得相当积极,她们赞成加入战争,以确保民主和平,最后妇女还因为国会于1920年通过第19项宪法修正案而得到投票权。
For example, woodwork, business management and accounting, international cooking. 例如:木工手艺,工商管理,会计,烹饪等。

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