If so, the town is immune from the antitrust laws under the state action doctrine, which says that the antitrust laws are not meant to apply to the actions of a state. |
中文意思: 倘若如此,小镇实施的政府授权下的行为就不受反托拉斯法的规制,也就是说,反托拉斯法不适用于政府行为。 |
If so, the economy could well enter a recession.
如果是这样的话,经济会毫无疑问的陷入衰退。 |
If so, the grains would contain a wide variety of isotopes from elements heavier than lithium.
假如如此,尘烬里就会包含诸多种类的比锂重的元素的同位素。 |
If so, the insights could advance medical research into ways to beat cell-death diseases.
若然,医学研究便可能发展出新法,来对抗细胞死亡所引发的疾病。 |
If so, the mortgage crunch will be a grinding drag on America's economy; one that unfolds over several years, hitting some people and some regions hard, but not, in itself, a macro-economic disaster.
如果这样的话,贷款危机是美国经济的一大拖累;这会在几年内展现,对一些人和地区造成沉重的打击,但本身不会是一次宏观经济的灾难。 |
If so, the ogre lords of Outland are the only ogres known to retain some of the physical traits of their gronn progenitors, such as the bony, calcified protrusions on their head and back, as well as a portion of the gronn's immense size and strength.
如果是这样的话,外域的食人魔领主就是目前所有已知食人魔种族中唯一继承了其先祖加隆的体貌特征的种族,比如它们头背上骨质的突刺,以及类似加隆的巨大体格和怪力。 |
If so, the town is immune from the antitrust laws under the state action doctrine, which says that the antitrust laws are not meant to apply to the actions of a state.
倘若如此,小镇实施的政府授权下的行为就不受反托拉斯法的规制,也就是说,反托拉斯法不适用于政府行为。 |
If so, the trade surplus should stabilise in coming months.
如果是这样的话,贸易顺差将在下个月趋于稳定。 |
If so, then CRP is at most a marker, not a cause, of heart disease.
如果是这样,那麽CRP顶多是心脏病的标记,而不是成因。 |
If so, then being able to avoid the report to be partial and hard-core.
这样,才能避免报道的片面性、绝对化。 |
If so, then the arrival of self-aware machines will not happen till after the development of hardware that is substantially more powerful than humans' natural equipment.
因此,拥有自我意识的机器的诞生要等到能够超越人类大脑神经结构的物理硬件的实现之后。) |
If so, then this is an opportunity to build an aggregate component.
如果这样,这是为了建造集合完毕的组成部分的机会。 |