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This torrent of comparative data is central to the plan: Tesco is setting out to change the way Americans shop and eat.

This topic is meant to share only Serene's event photos or photos of marketing purposes. Please contact Moderator/Administrator to request for a new topic. 此版只限分享詹雪琳的活动或宣传照。若想添加主题,请联络版主/网主。
This topic lists and describes all of the options that you can use to start the IDE from the command line. 这个主题列举和描述了你用命令行启动IDE所能使用的所有的选项。
This topic tend to rearch and resolve the problems of SCM temperature-control and time display. 本课题要研究和解决的是,单片机的温度控制和时间显示。
This tops the previous record of 194 set last year, when the $1.45 million prize went to Kenyan green activist Wangari Maathai. 此次参与角逐诺贝尔和平奖的人数打破了去年194人的记录,去年,肯尼亚环境保护者旺加里·马塔伊最终捧走了145万美元的大奖。
This torpedo is capable of destroying enemy warships and submarines at any depth and moving at any speed,state television said. 该雷有能力摧毁敌人在任何深度、以任何速度移动的军舰和潜艇”,[伊朗]国家电视说。
This torrent of comparative data is central to the plan: Tesco is setting out to change the way Americans shop and eat. 如此多的比较数据直指这个计划的核心:乐购决心改变美国人购物和饮食的习惯。
This tourist, Miss Chen said that it tastes a little like dried longan. It's sweet like dried longan not fresh longan. 游客陈小姐:它有一点龙眼乾的甜味。是龙眼乾,不是生的龙眼。
This town is a microcosm of our world. 这个市镇是我们这个世界的缩影.
This town is free from pollution. 这座城市没有污染。
This town of Westwall will be a tough nut. High walls, moats, undead armies, Griffin knights... I have little interest in commiting suicide. 韦斯特沃的这座城池易守难攻,高耸的城墙,巨大的战壕,还有亡灵和狮鹫武士大军……我可不想以卵击石。
This toy is made of cotton. 这个玩具是布做的。

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