More than half of Iraqis have curtailed activities like going out of their homes, going to markets or other crowded places and traveling through police checkpoints.
一半多的伊拉克人减少了诸如外出,购物或者去热闹场所,路径警察哨所等活动. |
More than half of all sharks are smaller than 1 metre long.
以此类方式捕获的鲨鱼大半都还不到一米长。 |
More than half of children in the UK save more of their pocket money than they spend, research has shown.
一项最新的调查结果显示,半数以上的英国孩子在对零用钱的使用问题上,更倾向于把钱存起来,而不是胡乱花掉。 |
More than half of the 1,024 people questioned in a survey for the broadcaster TVN said they were against the nomination after learning about the collaboration with the secret service.
公共媒体TVN就此事对1024人进行了问卷调查,其中超过一半人得知主教与秘密警察有染后反对他升职。 |
More than half of the automobiles, furniture, and household appliances are purchased on the installment plan.
许多家庭无力用现金购买像汽车、家具和家用电器这类的大宗商品。 |
More than half of the members aligned with the chairman.
半数以上的成员支持主席的观点。 |
More than half of the programs in the study also reported an increase in children and senior citizens using the services.
被调查的项目中有超过半数同时报告了接受接济的儿童和老年人数量不断增长。 |
More than half of the women born during Japan's second baby boom between 1971 and 1974 had not given birth by age 30, a government report said, amid concerns over the country's declining birthrate.
在各界担忧国家持续下降的出生率时,1份政府报告指出,日本超过半数在1971年至1974年间第二波婴儿潮出生的女性,直至30岁仍未生育。 |
More than half of these injuries and illnesses occurred in jobs with extended working hours or overtime.
半数以上的伤害和疾病都是由于加班加点、长时间工作引起的。 |
More than half of those polled said there was nothing wrong with a one-night stand; and 6.2 percent admitted they already had a sexual encounter, according to the results released recently.
据这项于近日公布的调查结果,一半以上的受访学生认为“一夜情”没什么错,6.2%的人承认他们有过性行为。 |
More than half of those polled said there was nothing wrong with a one-night stand; and 6.2 percent admitted they had already had a sexual encounter*, according to the results released recently.
据这项于近日公布的调查结果,一半以上的受访学生认为“一夜情”没什么错,6.2%的人承认他们有过性行为。 |