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A Study of Relationship Between HBV DNA and HBsAg and Liver Cell Dysplasia in Cirrhotic Liver
肝硬变组织内HBV DNA和HBsAg与肝细胞不典型增生关系的研究

A Study of Leukocyte Interferon Production in Patients with Acute and Chronic Hepatitis,Cirrhosis and Liver Cancer 急慢性病毒性肝炎、肝硬化和肝癌病人白细胞诱生干扰素的研究
A Study of Lipid Peroxide Contents in Tissues after Burns in Rats. Dynamic Changes of Lipid Peroxide and Vitamin E in Plasma, Eschar and Liver Tissue 烧伤大鼠脂质过氧化物含量的研究——Ⅰ.血浆、焦痂、肝组织脂质过氧化物及维生素E含量的动态变化
A Study of Neural Stem Cells Transgenes and Transplanting for Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats 神经干细胞基因转染及局灶性脑缺血神经干细胞移植的实验研究
A Study of Pharmacokinetics of Adriamycin Liposome in Dogs after Hepatic Artery Embolization 犬肝动脉栓塞阿霉素脂质体药动学研究
A Study of Pharmacokinetics on Sodium Selenite in Calfby Single Oral Dosing 亚硒酸钠一次内服在犊牛体内药动学研究
A Study of Relationship Between HBV DNA and HBsAg and Liver Cell Dysplasia in Cirrhotic Liver 肝硬变组织内HBV DNA和HBsAg与肝细胞不典型增生关系的研究
A Study of Species Identification Based on Molecular Biology in Forensic Entomology 法医昆虫种属鉴定的分子生物学方法研究
A Study of TLymphocyte Subsets and T Supperssor Cell Function in the Patients with Brain Atrophy Caused by Cerebrovascular Diseases 脑血管病性脑萎缩患者T淋巴细胞亚群和T抑制细胞功能的研究
A Study of TNT-induced Liver Injury to Rat 三硝基甲苯对大鼠肝脏损害的实验研究
A Study of Toxicology of the Mai Tong Ling Ⅰ、Ⅱ on Evaluation of its Safety 脉通灵Ⅰ、Ⅱ号的毒理学安全性评价研究
A Study of the Antibodies and their Fragments of Human Gastric Cancer and Fetal Gastric Mucosa 胃癌抗体、胎儿胃粘膜抗体及免疫活性碎片研究

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