You made men ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water, Yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.
诗66:12你使人坐车轧我们的头.我们经过水火.你却使我们到丰富之地。 |
You made mistakes, but for a reason, there is a chance to be won.
他真的是太累了,他总是很认真、很卖力地踢球,可是却……我那叫伤心啊! |
You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes.
40你又使我的仇敌在我面前转背逃跑,叫我能以剪除那恨我的人。 |
You made the wrong decision, you must take the consequences.
你做了这个错误的决定,现在必须承担后果。 |
You make a hot combination. Lustful but not lasting due to your jealous nature.
天蝎-白羊:你们是一对热恋情侣。然而欲望太多,嫉妒心强的蝎子不可能和羊儿白头偕老。 |
You make a mess of everything.
全都让你搞砸了。 |
You make a rope by twining strings together.
你用线缠在一起做成绳子。 |
You make arrangements to have a stand at a trade fair. Explain your requirements in detail.
在一次贸易博览会上安排一个展位。详细地说明你需要的物品。 |
You make each day brighter.
你让每天充满阳光。 |
You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time.
当要做决定或选择的时侯,你总是做对了决定。 |
You make good moment-by-moment choices concerning your well-being.
你平衡你的工作与家庭。 |